Have you been struggling with self-doubt lately? Do you want to know how to confident in yourself?
Two years ago, I hit rock bottom. I was at my lowest. I was faced with so many rejections, failures, and disappointments that I ended up doubting myself.
Every time, I started to do something good, I would stop myself from being happy, believing that I could never do anything right.
I struggled with confidence so badly that I also thought the only thing I can do was to disappoint and everything I do is wrong.
And let me tell you, living my life like that was exhausting. I was so unhappy. Stressed and overwhelmed. I hated myself, I didn’t believe in myself that I never really went after what I wanted.
It kept me stuck and lost. I stopped myself from going after the things that I want, my dreams and goals because of the thought that I was never enough.
That there is just no point in even trying anymore because I will still end up disappointed. But that kind of mentality is definitely wrong. It will not only keep you stuck but it will also prevent you from growth, from learning and from finding true happiness.
If you’re feeling the same way, don’t feel bad, instead, try to remember that you can still do simple things and make small changes that will help you overcome self-doubt, be happy and learn how to be more confident in yourself.
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