8 Home Remedies For Insomnia That Will Help You Sleep Quickly

A good night’s sleep is essential for excellent physical and mental wellbeing. Unfortunately, insomnia is a severe ailment that can completely disrupt your life. Thus, you may want to check out some home remedies for insomnia, as sleep deprivation can have unimaginable consequences on your mind, body, and general health. Instead of purchasing over-the-counter sleeping drugs, consider using natural remedies. They are not habit-forming and do not possess the risk of side effects from pharmaceutical drugs.
But before you try any of the remedies that we discuss here, you must know how to distinguish insomnia from a few days of poor sleep. Read on to know all about insomnia, its forms and causes, and some home remedies to help with it. Scroll down!
Acute Vs. Chronic Insomnia
Short-term insomnia is called acute insomnia. It lasts for from a few days to up to a few weeks. When insomnia lasts for a month or longer, it is called chronic insomnia.
What Causes Insomnia?
Acute insomnia usually results from stress due to family or work or when one has suffered trauma (2). Chronic insomnia, on the other hand, is usually caused as a side effect of other problems. Hence, it is also called secondary insomnia. The causes are as listed below:
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