
15 Tips on How To Smell Good All Day Long

There’s a reason why you get soaps, body washes, body cleanser and body mists in your favorite fragnances. Because if you layer the same fragnance it will make the scent get stronger and will longer last.

9. Know When to Spray

Spray perfume right after the shower when your skin is still damper and 30 minute before you step out of the house and make sure to apply heavy moisturizer before you apply your perfume. This tip will make your scent last longer.

10. Apply Deodorant Before Bad

How to smell good all day long ~Apply deodorant

Apply deodorant or atiperspirant before you go to bed it a great way to make you feel fresh and ready after you wake up. Because it soaks all up in and that by the time An wake up feel fresh and ready to go.
The deodorant i’ve been loving and wanna talk is Native Deodorant. It is a natural, also it’s free aluminum and paraben and if you may know alumunium has been linked to breast cancer so definitely recommend it.

11. Find Your Scent That You Like

We like get compliment you smell so good. Here Top two perfumes on our line

-YSL Black Opium

I like as more my night time scen because it’s a lot more sexy and musky

– Elizabeth Arden’s white tea

For everyday scent i love this one. smells so amazing, it smells really fresh which i love to have a nice fresh scent through the day.

12. Apply Unscented Lotion

Apply this one right before you apply your perfeume on top. Perfume adhere better to hydrated skin. So, just putting some moisturizer right before. i like using Aveeno Daily moisturizer as my lotion which fragnance free.

13. Smelly Shoes

How to smell good all day long ~ Spray Smelly shoes

There’s study shoes i find that when you wear them all day long or if you’re not wearing socks for the certain shoes it’s just really the potent scent that nobody wants, especially if you’re on date or with someone special.

Some tip if you have any of those stinky shoes all you have to do is to drop a few drops of tree tea oil into your shoes. let it soak in And tree tea oil is super great because it’s antibactiarl so it’s gonna basically get rid of that smell.

14. Watch Your Food

How to smell good all day long ~ Watch your food

Some foods can make you smells more especially spicy food, onions, garlic even tings such as red meat and alcohol. The odors from the food come out of your pores and it also makes your breath a little bit more stinky.

15. Spray Your Closet

How to smell good all day long

spray your closet or add Fabric Dryer Sheet into your socks or underwear drawer. Cotton Blls or Essential Oils. Smelly completly fresh which e definetly want.

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