Hair loss is a problem that puts many people in a dilemma, as it lowers their confidence in their appearance. In the long run, that lack of self-esteem will spoil their efficiency in work and other relationships. However, it will no longer be an issue if they know about the benefit of onion juice for hair growth as well as the cause of hair loss.
Causes of hair loss
We usually lose around 100 strands of hair a day, and there is an approximate number of new hair roots to replace the lost ones. When the replacement is interrupted, the loss will outnumber the growth.
Symptoms of hair loss
- You can give yourself a quick check by tugging at a bundle of 10 strands. If 3 – 4 threads fall off, you are in trouble! In this case, your hair will thin all over.
- You lose hair in a shaped spot. It should be easy to detect because those spots are pretty itchy and painful before the hair starts to break and fall.
- Hair thinning on the top of your head is usually a part of nature as you grow old. For men, the thinning begins from the line of hair on the forehead. The area is a little broader for women.
What are the causes of hair loss?
- Hereditary: It is the primary reason for men’s hair loss (and women sometimes). It comes along with the aging process, and you will probably be able to predict the form of your hair (bald spots for men and gradually thinner hair for women).
- Hormones and health conditions: Disorders in hormones can result in permanent or temporary hair loss, including being pregnant, giving birth, menopause, and more. The risks also come with conditions like alopecia areata (related to the immune system and patchy balding), scalp infections (ringworm), and trichotillomania (an addiction to continuously pull at your hair).
- Medication: Some types of medicine might have side effects that are detrimental for your hair, such as drugs for cancer, depression, high blood pressure, arthritis treatment.
- Radiation: The probability of permanent hair loss is very high.
- Stress: Trauma and physical injures might cause hair loss, even though it’s only temporary.
- Styling and treating your hair in extreme ways by using heat or braiding in cornrows cost you precious strands too since they put pressure and deal damage to your scalp severely. If you have scars, the hair might not grow again. (1)
Who usually faces the risk of hair loss?
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July 23, 2022
2,023 4 minutes read