
6 Habits of People Who Never Overspend

In the moment, overspending feels good.

It feels good to spend money. It feels good to have something new. Spending money is an enjoyable way to zone out (it’s an easy way not to think about our problems).

But when we’ve made a habit of overspending, many of our other moments are tinged with stress, and agitation. We want that release of another purchase. But keeping up with the necessities has us feeling like we’re drowning.

Being stuck in a cycle of overspending is mentally, physically, and emotionally exhausting.

It’s time to consider the habits of people who never overspend.

1. Monitor Your Money

When you don’t monitor your money, it disappears. Why? Because it is so ridiculously easy to spend money! For everyone!

Little expenses pop up all the time. Little indulgences. They feel insignificant. They feel reasonable. But they will sink your bank account.

Does that mean you can’t partake in indulgent spending? Not at all! But you need to do it in a way that allows you to live within your means. How?



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