Water spots can show up in a lot of places. They mostly show up on face basins or the pipe on the face basin.
To get rid of them is very simple and does not take a lot from you.
All you need is a dryer sheet that is damped in water, then scrub the area where the water spot is on. After you are finished scrubbing use a damp cloth to wipe the sud away.
If you ask anybody what item in the house smells the worst. Most people including myself would say the garbage bin. Your trash bin can smell really disgusting if you have too much garbage inside or if you don’t clean it that often.
To prevent your trash can from horrifying, just try this simple hack. Place 4-6 dryer sheets at the bottom of the trash can. That’s it, its that simple. Remember to replace the dryer sheets every month.
By doing this your trash can will smell way better than before.
Soap scums are really disgusting to look at. Did you know that they are created when soap mixes hard water? It happens when you shower and soap gets everywhere.
To easily get rid of the soap scum you need to follow this simple hack.
Use a damp dryer sheet to wipe away the soap scum. Remember to scrub the hardened soap scum stain really hard for it to disappear.
6. polishes stainless steel
Stainless steel things can get dirty easily. But what if it’s not cleanliness you are looking for but shininess. Fingerprints can make stainless steel pots and baking sheets look bad.
All you need to do is use the dryer sheet(not damped) to wipe the pot or the baking sheet until it gets a shiny look.
This hack is very simple. All you need to do is put a dryer sheet in a tissue roll. That’s it. This will help to make your bathroom smell better overtime.
Make sure to put the dryer sheet in a tissue roll that you are not using.
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