
8 Habits of Financially Smart Women – Sequins and Sales

8 Habits of Financially Smart Women

Today on the blog I’m sharing 8 Habits of Financially Smart Women! Over the past couple of years I have seriously become the money conscious person I never thought I’d be able to be. However, after earning my degree (and almost 30K in debt), it was virtually a must that I became money conscious. In this post I am going to talk about ways that you can become more money savvy too!

In the following post, I’ll dive more into financial planning for women and ways that you can save for the future! One of my main goals for 2020 is to pay off a large chunk of my student loans. Through careful spending and a whole lot of saving, I should be able to accomplish this goal! If you have debt you’re trying to pay off, or have something you’re saving for, then this post is for you.

8 Habits of Financially Smart Women

Eight Habits of Financially Smart Women Cover Photo

1. Budgets Every Week

This is something I only recently started doing! With the start of the new year and my goal to pay off my loans quickly, I knew I wanted to create a chart that kept track of it all. On a Saturday night the first week of the year I stayed up until almost 11:30pm making my chart and inputting formulas! Excel is now my best friend and is something I use every day at work so I put those skills to the test.

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