Health & FitnessPsychology

9 Things You Can Do In One Weekend To Seriously Change Your Life

    • Procrastinating.
    • Getting close to a goal and quitting.
    • Being in relationships that are unhealthy.
    • Not keeping your word to yourself.
  • Setting unrealistic goals.
  • Not trying.
  • Carrying a negative narrative (story) about yourself and your abilities.
  • Resisting change.
  • Refusing to seek help.
  • Suppressing emotions.
  • Identifying yourself with negative talk.
  • Shying away from comfort and the unknown

Stress is a dominant factor woven into our lives these days that we cannot regularly perceive when we are compressed by the demands of survival and we then forget to live.

Rass Coff the co-founder of opined that weekends are a great chance to reflect and be more introspective about bigger issues.

‘’My weekends are an important time to unplug from the day-to-day routine and get a chance to think more deeply about my company and industry’’ he says.

Unplugging helps create a remedy, a scale to balance the chaos and peace thereby creating space in our body and minds. In the period of unplugging meditation is an important equipment that is employed; meditation can be best described as the connection to your inner consciousness, it brings about peace, relief, and calmness.

2.  Evaluate

10 Exceptional Things Successful People Do On Weekends

Successful people take adequate time during their weekends to reinforce and reflect on the activities that occurred during the week which is a good habit to be emulated.

Life is a mixture of good and bad phases, and to successfully grow, we must explore our positive and negative traits by evaluating our real self from time to time. Evaluation creates adequate space for improvement. Without proper self-validation, failure is inevitable.

A lot of times we pay less attention to evaluation and reflection in our lives and end up at the verge of crises. Planning and evaluation, reasoning and establishing priorities are all more important than brilliance-either behind the wheel or at the drawing board.

In order words evaluation sets the foundation of improvement in anything you choose to do and this is a major secret of successful people. Evaluation doesn’t just happen, there are certain stages, steps and things that ought to be evaluated starting from:

    • Your roles.
    • Your habits.
    • The way you think.
    • Why do you think the way you do?
    • Your words.
  • Your actions.
  • The way you talk to yourself.
  • Your morals.
  • Who you’re being influenced by?


The first step of evaluation is doing a quick check-in by asking questions:

    1. What worked well during the week?
    1. What failed?
    2. What went wrong?
    3. Are my actions bringing me closer to my goals?
    4. What should you do more and less of?
    5. What are you feeling?
    6. What are you noticing in your body?
    7. How have I been speaking to myself (critically or supportively)?
    8. Am I acting the way that resonates with who I am?
    9. Am I maintain and setting healthy boundaries?
  1. What do I need right now?
  2. Am I investing purposefully?
  3. How engaged am I with risks and challenges?
  4. What can I do to give myself what I need?

3.  Wake Up Early

Successful people encrypt this formula into their everyday lives, they wake up early in other to slay and crush their goals.

10 Exceptional Things Successful People Do On Weekends

Apple CEO Tim Cook wakes up at 3:45 a.m, NextDesk director Dan Lee starts his day at 3:30 a.m., AOL CEO Tim Arm Strong start his day at 5:00 am, Twitter and Square CEO Jack Dorsey wakes up before dawn, Ellevest CEO and co-founder Sallie Krawcheck wakes up at 4 am weekends inclusive.

Sleep is not a drawback to their successful people; they prioritize quality sleep over quantity sleep. Now you might be wondering how you can achieve quality night rest over a long night rest, wake up early in the morning and still slay your goals without fatigue. I have written an exclusive article to help you out with that

We often get this wrong that weekends are meant for a slump in our habits or routines. But waking up early on weekends increases the possibility of productivity and increases the level of self-discipline.

4.  Self Care

10 Exceptional Things Successful People Do On Weekends

Sometimes, you have to look at your life and realize that where you are right now is enough inclusive of transformation. You are enough; you’ve come so far to get here remember that. Take time to enjoy it because enjoying your life right now is how you elevate even higher.

Successful people during weekends take adequate time to invest into their self by taking care of their needs and this could be in form of going for a treat, a reward, and adding more cash to their fun bucket.

Self-care is showing up for yourself as you do for others. Self-care is honoring the boundaries you’ve set for yourself. Self-care is releasing the habits of overextending in ways that are unhealthy and draining. Being successful is not just about working round the clock but taking adequate time to tend to yourself.

Note that self-care is a lifestyle, it is not an occasional treat;  self-care is not one thing, it’s a series of things. It doesn’t just happen on weekends alone but a regular act of investing in yourself, and it looks different for everyone; what works for others may not work for you.

10 Exceptional Things Successful People Do On Weekends

Self-care doesn’t take any extra, it takes prioritizing your time; it is how we nurture ourselves. Self-care empowers you with more control over your mental health, it equates taking responsibility for your life, avoiding burnouts, developing an abundant positive mindset, it brings about the dissemination of positive energy.

Prioritizing self-care is a vital factor to marinating a sane body and mind capable of achieving your goals.

5.  Plan For The Upcoming Week

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