Health & Fitness

Bye, Bye Belly: 3 Simple Stretches to Reduce Your Menobelly


Ever wanted some yummy, toned arms of your own? This stretch will help with more than just your menobelly – it will give you some arm muscles worth showing off.

Start off by lying flat on your stomach on the floor. Your hands should be flat on the floor under your mid-torso, while your toes should be facing the floor. (It’s almost like a push up position!)

Leave your lower body on the mat or floor, while pushing upwards with your hands and bending at the waist. Your back will bend, and you’ll feel it in your abs and your arms.

Hold the position for 30 seconds before relaxing. Repeat this five times in a row.

It’s really that simple. While menobelly is a real struggle for menopausal women everywhere, these stretches can be your lifesaving solution!

Simply take five minutes a day to implement these stretches and your belly, back, and arms will thank you!

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