Get Rid Of The Brown Marks On Your Skin With This Simple Trick
But this process is not totally irreversible. So do not lose hope as help is at hand. A simple ploy and you can get rid of these bothersome spots. So finally you can do more than just mutter, ‘out, damn spot, out, I say!’
Time and place of occurrence
These spots occur frequently on the face, limbs, and shoulders; places generally exposed to the sun. With age, they grow in number and size and seem to announce your age.
A clue to its cause can go a long way in preventing the marks from occurring. Almost everyone loves the outdoors. But it also means exposing yourself to the sun and ultraviolet rays. The tanning bed or sunscreen is no protection from the harmful exposure to the rays. The more the exposure, the quicker the exposed part of your skin darkens with melanin, the pigment that causes the dark tan. The dark spots appear with the passage of time at those same places.
Is it harmful
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