The big question is, “Can we really sleep like a baby?”
The answer is a big no. For over years, we have been confusing the quantity of sleep to quality of sleep. The amount of sleep as told by our parents over the years is 7-8 hours each day. However, those numbers vary steeply for individuals of different age groups.
The First Three Months After Birth
Right after birth, humans (and mammals, in general) have a high tendency to sleep for nearly eighteen hours a day in the first week. Over the course of the next month, this comes down to approximately twelve hours a day. This is not unfamiliar to most people that have gone through or witnessed parenthood. In order to match up with the random sleep hours of children, parents are highly likely to face sleepless hours, putting up with odd hours of waking and sleeping.
From Month Three To Eleven
Around this time, infants usually settle into a sleep cycle that is relatively more regular. While maintaining a comfortable nine-plus hours at night, they might manage to catch a few hours of shut-eye during the day. However, the night sleep may be broken down in after about six hours for food and possibly a change of diapers too.
From Year One to Year Two
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