
How To Be A More Fun Person – 9 Effortless Tips

1. Say Yes To Those Plans

I agree there are certain situations you’re better off not being a part of, but most of the time you could be disagreeing simply to avoid stepping out of your normal life.

Nobody likes discomfort, but being a part of plans doesn’t have to lie out of your comfort zone. The truth of the matter is that you could be missing out on a lot of fun by always saying no.

And if there’s even a tiny part of you that agrees, then make a choice to be more outgoing.

Whenever the idea of a plan excites you, say yes without giving yourself time to second guess, and then stick to your decision.

I’ve always had trouble agreeing to plans, but it was one of my resolutions for this year to show up for events that I know I’ll have a good time at.

And guess what – I’ve been having a blast showing my face to places I wouldn’t even think of going to a few months back. Amazing how not being a naysayer can work out in your favor at times.

2. Be The Initiator

Honestly, I’m quite comfortable going along with other people’s plans, but I occasionally make an effort to be the initiator and end up having an amazing time.

When you’re in the mood to have a fun time out with your friends, drop a text in your group chat asking, ‘So, what are we doing this weekend?’

You don’t have to sit around hoping someone will make plans for you. Go ahead and declare that you’re in the mood for a good time.

Be comfortable with being the one who sets things in motion. It’ll help you create fun in your life rather than waiting for it to happen.

3. Let Go Of Your Fears

To fully embrace your fun-loving side, you must break free of your fears. Easier said than done, I know, but what if I told you that it doesn’t have to be hard?

I used to believe that getting rid of my fears would require a great deal of effort, but now I know that being fearless is a matter of choice.

At any moment, you are either choosing to be held back by your fears, or defying them by acting out.

Your self-doubts, inhibitions, and hesitations are not bigger than you. Don’t let them hold you back from living your life to the fullest.

Sign up for that talent show at your college, start conversations with new people, and do things that scare you.

The moment you stop giving in to your fears, you’ll give yourself permission to have fun in life.


4. Don’t Judge Others

I avoided taking part in any of the college events for a year because I didn’t think I’d get along with certain people on the preparation team.

Then at a point, I pushed myself to get involved and was pleasantly surprised by how nice everyone was. I’d always cherish the memories and the fun I had with those people.

The bottom line is, it’s not your job to be a judge.

You are in this world to live your life and make each day count, and that can happen only when you accept humans with all their flaws and emotions.

Be understanding, empathetic, and open-minded. You’ll be surprised by the fun opportunities you can open for yourself by doing this.

5. Learn To Enjoy Your Own Company

Having fun doesn’t always have to involve people. In fact, my happiest memories are the ones I created in my own company.

You don’t need a party to make you happy or to make your Saturday night eventful. You are more than capable of being your own best friend.

Embrace self-love in all its glory and learn to enjoy your own company.

Take yourself out on solo dates, throw yourself self-care pamper sessions, and be okay with going to the cinema alone if your friends are not able to join in.

A dear friend of mine recently took herself on a solo date, taking a mental break from all the chaotic things in life, and described the experience as ‘life-changing’.

She went book shopping, treated herself to her favorite dessert, and sat under a tree reading like a fairy tale princess.

Now that is what you call being a fun person by yourself, for yourself.

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