
How to Get Rid of Pimples

Understanding the Different Types of Pimples

When the only thing that you can think of is finding out how to remove pimples from your face and body, a refresher course in the different kinds of acne may be far down on your list of priorities.

However, knowing what kind of pimples you’re dealing with is the first step in a successful acne treatment regime. Below, is a list of the most common types of acne that you may be dealing with trying to remove.


Regarding their appearance, whiteheads are pretty much exactly how they sound. They are small blemishes with whitish “heads.” These kinds of pimples result when the hair follicles and pores on your skin get clogged with dead skin cells and sebum. While your skin needs sebum to protect and nourish your skin, an excess of this oil in your oil glands can quickly clog your pores.


If you have tiny blemishes on your nose and face that look like black dots, you’ve got blackheads. Blackheads and whiteheads, dermatologically speaking, are what are known as comedones, or another word for infected hair follicles.

The difference between the two is that whiteheads are closed, and blackheads are open, hence the black appearance. This is what happens when the bacteria inside the follicle becomes oxidized.


Blind pimples, or papules, represent the phase beyond the whitehead. These occur when the presence of sebum, bacteria, and dead skin cells under the skin, causes inflammation. You can quickly identify papules by their extreme redness and swelling, as well as the absence of pus, and are small to medium in size.

Since inflammation on the skin and irritation are the main symptoms of papules, you don’t want to apply anything that will further dry it out. You want to use an acne treatment that will soothe and calm the area until the medication helps it subside.


Pustules, unlike papules, contain pus but are similar to a blind pimple in every other way. Pustules contain yellowish or whiteish-looking pus that makes them appear more significant in size than your typical whitehead, and they may be painful to touch.

While it may be tempting for you to pop these kinds of pimples, you could end up with acne scars. When it comes to eliminating pustules, you should wait until a whitehead is visible before extracting it carefully.

Severe Acne

If your face or body is covered in large, red, and inflamed blemishes that seem to last for months, chances are you have one type of severe acne.

  • Nodules
  • Cystic acne
  • Acne conglobata
  • Sebaceous cyst

Severe acne is indicative of a broader condition and can cause more severe and permanent damage to your skin if it is left untreated for too long. If you’ve tried the over-the-counter topical treatments, but aren’t seeing any visible improvement after a couple of weeks, then you’ll need to visit a dermatologist for a stronger, prescription.

How to Get Rid of Acne Naturally

When you have a breakout, the first inclination that you might have to get rid of pimples fast is to pop them. However, this can contribute to a loss of tissue that will ultimately result in pimple marks.

When you squeeze a zit, you end up forcing the dead skin cells and oil further down into the follicle, making the follicle wall rupture from the extra pressure.


The extra pressure causes the infected materials to spill into the innermost part of the skin, eventually leading to the loss of tissue and causing acne scars. So, if you’re a pimple popper, to avoid damaging your skin, you should try these natural acne treatments instead and get rid of acne fast.

8+ of the Best Home Remedies for Pimples

If your acne problem is minor, there are a few home remedies you can try to fight it yourself.

  • Aspirin – Grind up one aspirin pill and make a paste with some water to apply to your pimples. This works because salicylic acid is the main ingredient in both aspirin and acne medication.
  • Honey – The same stuff you put in your tea can help fight acne. Dab raw honey on your spots then wash off after a few minutes. Honey fights inflammation and is antiseptic.
  • Tea Tree Oil – Peppermint Oil – These natural oils are anti-inflammatory, perfect for soothing those red bumps. Apply it on your pimples and leave it on overnight.
  • Eye Drops – It relieves your irritated, red eyes, why not your skin? Eye drops can be used on pimples to reduce redness.
  • Ice – Got a red and swollen pimple? Ice can immediately reduce the puffiness and cool it down.
  • Apple Cider Vinegar – Apple cider vinegar shares some ingredients with some acne medications. Use it as a toner to promote cell turnover and kill bacteria.
  • Baking Soda – Baking soda can be used as a mild exfoliant, which means it can gently loosen the top layer of dead skin on your face and encourage cell growth. Using a paste of baking soda and water can remove excess oil from your face.
  • Lemon Juice – Like apple cider vinegar, lemon juice shares some qualities with acne medication. Apply some to your face and leave overnight.

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