
How to Live Super Frugally Frugal Habits You Need to Start Living on the Cheap


Are you tired of always being broke and never having any money? While making more money is certainly an option for giving your budget a nice bump– I would argue that becoming a better money manager and learning how to live super frugally would serve you better.

If you can live well on less, you never need more.

In practice what does that look like?

Let’s say that you are struggling to stay on budget. You are in deep debt, you struggle with impulse purchases, you chase that next shiny new thing– money is always tight, but you know  if you can just make a little bit more money, things will turn around. You’ll be less stressed and able to do more.

Fast forward five years and you get a raise at work– hurray! You decide you can now afford to purchase a new home and new car for yourself. But guess what?! All those money  problems you had before the raise?

You still have them after the raise.

You never learned to live with what you had, and just because you have more now, you never addressed those money problems from before.

Money is a tool. Plain and simple. How it gets spent is up to you. So, let’s learn how to better use our money and start living on the cheap!

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