Starting to Remove Deodorant Stain
You will want to start by turning your shirts inside out. Then mix up a small bowl of the cleaning solution using the ingredients below.
- 2 tablespoons of Dawn dish soap
- 2 tablespoons of water to a bowl
- sprinkle a little bit of baking soda (about 1/2 teaspoon) into the mixture
Then take your shirt and place the area with the deodorant stain in the bowl Make sure all of the armpit stains soak up some of the mixture.
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If you don’t go far enough on the armpit stain you will notice it after washing. You can see on the shirt below where the stain is still in the lower part of the arm area.
Let The Deodorant Stain Soak & Scrub
Once you get all of your shirts dipped in the mixture you will want to let them sit for about 2 hours.
I just set them in the sink so they didn’t drip the mixture everywhere. After about an hour you can use the laundry brush and do a little scrubbing at the areas with the underarm stains.
Machine Wash After Soaking
At the end of the two hours, you can wash them. Put them in the machine on the hottest cycle the clothes will allow.
Add whatever laundry detergent you normally use to the machine. If you have an extra rinse cycle I recommend using it to make sure that all the soap is removed.
Once they are finished in the machine remove them and let them air dry. Make sure all the stains are gone and repeat if necessary.
You can see my before and after below.
I am amazed at how simple this trick is. It works much better than any stain remover I have used.
The dawn gets the greasy armpit stains out and the baking soda gets rid of any odors.
Your clothes will look like new again and those deodorant stains will be removed from the dark or black shirts.
Materials List
- dawn dish soap
- baking soda
- water