If You Are Waking Up To Pee At Night, This Is What It Means
A standard advice that urologists across the globe give is not to hold your bladder for long. Yet, we all do it. The procrastination is more after we hit the sack. You just don’t want to get off your bed to pee. But, is it okay to hold your pee in the first place?
Every person’s body and its capacity to keep in urine are different. The amount of urine your body makes depends on your fluid intake and how hydrated your body is. The functional bladder capacity is determined by the size of the bladder and its sensitivity.
In any case, if you have the urge to urinate, you should go ahead, else the discomfort can range from anxiety to pain, which could ultimately result in a UTI (urinary tract infection). If you have taken this seriously and are not holding your pee in, it’s great. But wait! Do you often wake up in the middle of the night to urinate? Then, that is surely a cause for concern. Here’s why…
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Why Does It Happen?
Well, increased blood flow to your kidney when you sleep can cause excess urine production.
Let’s examine the reasons why we wake up to pee at night.
1. Excess Fluid Intake
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This is one of the most common reasons for peeing. The more you drink water, the more you urinate. Quite obvious, isn’t it? But, according to doctors, your last fluid intake should be two hours before your bedtime. Peeing just before you hop in the sack helps too.
2. Caffeine/Alcohol Close To Bedtime
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