Recently I was asked, “I need money help. How can I save money when I can’t pay my bill?” This was a profound question because I know the struggle of having very little funding and trying to scrimp and save to get by, let alone stay out of debt.
We often forget, there are millions of people in out there struggling to stay afloat with their day-to-day bills. Yes, these are hard-working people who just can’t seem to get their ledgers back in the black.
Reasons You May Need Money Help:
Some have enough money but spend themselves into a whirlwind of debt.
Yet, others do not make enough money and can’t make ends meet.
In either situation, life can become stressful, worrisome, and it is difficult to live your best life because bills are always looming in the back of your mind like an unstable tree ready to crash.
My mission at “I Heart Frugal” is to offer money help so people can live and amazing debt-free life. I teach about budgeting and living within your means.
Yet to some this goal may seem impossible when faced with mounting bills. As the bills pile high, catching up seems like it will never happen.
There are so many others out there that are sharing your same money problems, but the good news is, there IS something you can do about it.
So let’s get real about your finances, admit there is a problem, and focus on the solution: A good budget and money-saving action plan. After you have created your action plan, take some steps to avoid this situation in the future.
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You are Not Alone In Needing Money Help
“You are Not Alone,” once a top-selling hit by Michael Jackson rings true in your current personal financial situation.In fact, according to a recent study conducted by, 49% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck.
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