Resolution You Need to Make: Quitting or Reducing Sugar!
A crucial part of success and an important part of improvement is knowing what you can actually do in a set period of time or with your current skill set – you don’t want to choose something that is not realistic.
So this year, I want you to change things up with a targeted, actually measurable resolution that is life-changing for healthy living.
If you have always wanted to eat healthier, want to drop some pounds, or prioritize your wellness, the number #1 way to get there is by reducing the most common toxic ingredient that has been listed by nearly all health experts and doctors as know to cause serious health problems: sugar!
Sugar intake is linked to affecting everything from your mood, hormones, and skin, to even health conditions like diabetes, the obesity epidemic and EVEN cancer.
Yep, you read that right!
I believe that the single biggest step to kicking off a healthier and even happier year is cutting back on sugar or even going sugar-free. Like quitting smoking, drinking, or giving up some other harmful habit, reducing or cutting sugar is one of the best things you can do for your overall health.
Especially among Americans, diabetes is on the rise, the obesity epidemic is out of control, more and more children are being found with cases of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and as with so many more diet-related health crisis… sugar is at the root of these health-related problems.
It gets worse too. More than weight gain and these dangerous illness/diseases, sugar can mess with your emotions due to the major energy fluctuations caused by eating blood spiking foods and drinks that then causes a negative energy-draining cycle. Sugar intake has been linked to depression and lethargy… which no doubt decreases our motivation to further positive changes in our lives for a productive and happy year.
Research suggests that sugar is actually associated with mood disorders and depression.
Studies have even shown that people who eat processed food and refined sugars are more likely to be diagnosed with depression than people who did not eat these foods.
And even if you’re at a healthy normal weight you’re still not safe from the health problems associated with too much sugar and junk food.
A 15-year study found that eating excessive amounts of added sugar can double the risk of heart disease for people who aren’t even overweight and has also been implicated in an increased risk for Type 2 diabetes, cancer, stroke and Alzheimer’s disease for non-overweight people.
Studies have also shown that a diet high in sugar can lead to chronic inflammation leading to issues as simple as saggy skin, wrinkles, acne, rosacea to debilitating problems such as body pain, weight gain, digestive issues, constipation, insomnia, and again mood disorders.
Furthermore, even if you’re sitting here thinking to yourself “I’m okay I don’t actually eat a lot of candy or sweets, so I’m okay on this one.”
But have you ever intentionally weaned yourself off hidden and processed sugar?
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