Health & Fitness

Simple Medical Tests You Can Do To Check Your Health!

This test is done through your hair. First of all, your hair should be freshly washed and dry. Pull out a small lock of your hair and if it only has 2-3 hairs, it’s perfectly normal. If you have more and you didn’t use much force to pull it out, you should visit a doctor, because it might be a sign of hormonal imbalance, caused by stress, poor hygiene or some other serious health issues.


Stand in front of a mirror and pull your lower eyelid downwards. If the inside is colored pink, you are okay. But, if the color is pale pink or even going towards a yellow color, it might be a sign you are developing anemia. The lack of hemoglobin and erythrocytes in your blood are causing your tissues in the body to function with a lack of oxygen and the blood is more pale. Other symptoms to beware parallel with this test is heavy breathing and getting tired while climbing more than 20 stairs in a row.


For this test you need a partner. Your partner needs to take a pencil that has an eraser on the other end, and he needs to touch your foot and toes from the down side, with the sharp end, and then, with the eraser. But you shouldn’t  watch. If you can’t fully recognize the difference between the different touches, it is a sign of anemia, because this disease affects the nerve endings, causing low sensitivity.

Carpal tunnel syndrome

Lift your hands up, and make sure your forearms are parallel with your face. Try reaching the base of your palm with your fingertips. If you feel tingling after doing this for more than 2 minutes, it is a sure sign of carpal tunnel syndrome, which appears when “ neighboring tissues press on the median nerve, and the pain and numbness will surely get worse in time, if you don’t treat this properly”. This syndrome is common among office workers and bikers, because of the sitting position and their hand always reaching out.

Hearing problems

sit in a quiet room and put your hands close to your ear, rubbing your fingers from each other. Repeat this from different distances on both ears. If you can hear the sound every time, your hearing is just fine.

Problems with your arteries

Lie on the floor and put your feet up facing the wall, at about 45 degrees angle, holding them like this for 10 minutes. If the feet and toes become really pale, you have a bad blood circulation. This condition is called “peripheral artery disease”, or, PAD, and if you don’t treat it, it might cause bigger problems, such as heart disfunctions and a stroke.

Cardiovascular diseases

Start climbing stairs and sing a song or talk with high voice at the same time. If after 15 stair you feel tired and your heart is pounding really fast, it means you have predispositions to develop cardiovascular diseases and should pay a visit to your doctor, to discuss further preventive treatment.

Have you ever tried some of these simple trick-tests and have they been working out for you? Tell us in the comments below.


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