I have read so many articles on how to clean a bathtub. Do they work? I really can’t say they do. I am always looking for the best and least complicated cleaning hacks, especially for my bathroom and so far my search was in -vain.
Looking at all my cleaning products I realized that I only needed two products to clean my bathtub. I could not believe that a bathtub was so easy to clean especially on my lazy day.
I am sure you have your days when you need to clean that tub but you just can’t be bothered with all those mixtures. Here is a clever way to clean your bathtub with a couple of mist and a simple broom. You won’t even realize you did it.
Place a spray sprout on your VINEGAR bottle. Spray the entire shower walls and tub with vinegar. Ensure to spray the corners of the tub where mildew likes to appear. Focus on the lower corners of the tub this is the area you’ll find the soap scum.
Walk away, go watch a movie, play a game, or have a snack. When you are through return to the bathroom only this time taking an MR CLEAN MAGIC ERASER, a bottle of DAWN DISH SOAP. Preferably the DAWN POWER WASH SPRAY (APPLE CENT) and a broom with you.
Wet the eraser and use it to wipe the shower tiles and the tub starting from the top down. You will be surprised at the gunk you’ll see coming from your shower.
For a more vigorous scrub use the broom to scrub the floor. This will remove the stubborn marks but first use the dish soap to pour on the floor, don’t overdo- it as this will cause excess sud to form.
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