
What Your Sleeping Position Says About Your Relationship

The shingles position is one of the sweeter and more intimate sleeping positions that a couple could have in bed. It’s when one person rests their head on the other person’s shoulder.

What this means is that the person whose head is resting is someone who is dependent and reliant on the other partner. And the one whose shoulder is being used as a headrest is a listener and nurturer.

This is a very simple position and it’s actually one that a lot of couples engage in. It’s merely when two people sleep in a position that enables them to be facing one another without necessarily touching.

This means that the level of communication in the relationship is very strong and that they have no problems with just opening up to one another. You should be proud of your communication game if this is how you sleep with your partner.

This is a rather cliché sleeping position and it’s usually one that new and young couples tend to partake in. It’s the classic “Hollywood” style of a sleeping position that you would see couples in movies be locked in.

It’s when the man is usually spread out on his back as he lets his woman rest on his chest as they drift off into a deep slumber with one another.

The Lover’s Knot is clearly a position that indicates intimacy and closeness in the relationship. It’s when two people lock their legs and intertwine them in some kind of knot for a considerable amount of time until both people fall asleep.

This is also a sign of very high sexual activity between two people.

When the man is living on the inside of a spoon position, it means that he seeks a lot of love, care, patience, and understanding from his woman. He might feel a little broken and damaged. He might need a little healing.

When the man is on the outside of a spoon position, it means that he is being possessive, territorial, protective, and nurturing of his woman. He wants to make sure that no harm is going to come of her or the relationship as a whole.

This is when couples sleep facing away from one another with both of their backs touching. This means that both people in the relationship feel comfortable, relaxed, and trusting.

You might not have known this but your sleeping position can actually serve as a really good gauge as to where your relationship stands.

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