
10 Best Vitamins for Hair Growth: Extreme Hair Growth

B vitamins, including biotin (B7) and B12, are vital for metabolism and nervous system function, which directly impact hair health. These vitamins can be obtained from a balanced diet rich in whole grains, meat, fish, eggs, nuts, and avocados.

Biotin (Vitamin B7)

Biotin is renowned for its hair growth benefits, as it supports red blood cell production, ensuring oxygen and nutrients reach the scalp and hair follicles. It also contributes to keratin production, a key component of hair.

While most people get sufficient biotin from their diet, good sources include milk, eggs, bananas, salmon, sweet potatoes, and almonds. However, if you believe you need more, consult your doctor, as many biotin supplements exceed the recommended daily intake for hair, skin, and nails.

Not just a boost for your immune system, vitamin C can also strengthen your hair. Dr. Green explains that this powerful antioxidant is crucial for healthy hair growth. “Vitamin C improves blood circulation throughout your body, including your scalp,” she says.

“Better circulation means more stimulation to your hair follicles, which can encourage hair growth.


Surprisingly, iron plays a significant role in hair growth too. Research published in the Journal of Korean Medical Science suggests that iron deficiencies may contribute to hair loss in women.

Iron helps boost circulation and improves oxygen delivery to your cells, which supports hair growth. “Without enough iron, your body can’t produce adequate hemoglobin, leading to decreased oxygen delivery to your scalp and potential hair loss,” Dr. Green explains.

To increase your iron intake, Dr. Green recommends consuming iron-rich foods like clams, red meat, spinach, and lentils. If you’re at risk of iron deficiency, consider consulting your doctor about adding an iron supplement to your routine.


Keratin, a protein found in hair, skin, and nails, is naturally produced by the body. While many supplements claim to boost hair growth, Dr. Green suggests getting keratin naturally through your diet. “Eating protein-rich foods like eggs, beans, fish, and meats is a better way to ‘supplement’ keratin,” she advises

“There’s limited evidence supporting the effectiveness of keratin supplements, and excessive intake can lead to harmful protein buildup in the body.

Vitamin D

Not getting enough vitamin D can cause hair loss. Vitamin D is processed in the skin by keratinocytes, which are cells that produce keratin. When you don’t have enough of this vitamin, these cells have a hard time helping hair grow, which can result in hair shedding and loss.


Although the body only needs zinc in small amounts, it plays a crucial role in cell growth and DNA formation. “Low zinc levels have been linked to hair loss and slow wound healing,” notes Dr. Green. She suggests incorporating zinc-rich foods like meat, beans, nuts, and seeds into your diet.

If you’re experiencing hair loss, consider discussing a zinc supplement with your doctor. A study found that alopecia patients with low zinc levels may benefit from supplementation.

Vitamin A

While vitamin A may promote hair growth, excessive intake can lead to hair loss. Dr. Green explains that vitamin A includes various compounds like retinol and carotenoids, which can activate hair follicle stem cells.

However, over-supplementation has been linked to hair loss. Vitamin A deficiency is rare in the U.S., so unless you have evidence of deficiency, there’s no need for supplementation. Focus on consuming vitamin A-rich foods such as leafy greens, orange vegetables, and squash.

Other Natural Methods to Boost Hair Growth

In addition to vitamins and minerals, there are other natural remedies that can enhance hair health, according to Dr. Green. Oils like rosemary and coconut oil, for instance, have been shown to promote hair growth.

A study discovered that regular use of rosemary oil over a few months resulted in increased hair count. Another study compared coconut oil to mineral oil and sunflower oil, revealing that coconut oil was the only one to reduce protein loss in both undamaged and damaged hair when used before and after washing.

Do Hair Growth Vitamins Really Work?

While certain vitamins and supplements can improve hair growth and health in individuals with nutritional deficiencies, their effectiveness in those without such deficiencies is still unclear.

Research indicates that deficiencies in nutrients like zinc, iron, and vitamin D are associated with hair loss. However, more studies are needed to determine how effective hair growth supplements are for individuals without these deficiencies.

Can a Dermatologist Help with Hair Growth?

Absolutely, a dermatologist can assist with hair growth and address hair loss concerns. If you’re experiencing sudden hair loss without an apparent cause, scalp discomfort, or other accompanying symptoms, seeing a doctor is crucial.

Even if you’re not experiencing additional symptoms, consulting a dermatologist is wise. They can conduct a comprehensive blood test to check for any vitamin deficiencies that might contribute to hair loss or slow growth.

Based on factors like your age, gender, and overall health, they can suggest appropriate treatments, including prescription options, as well as in-office procedures like PRP therapy.

How to Choose the Best Vitamins for Hair Growth

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