
10 Best Vitamins for Hair Growth: Extreme Hair Growth

Dreaming of thick, healthy hair? Finding the right hair-growth supplement could be a step towards achieving that goal.

Many of us desire voluminous hair, but factors like genetics, stress, medical conditions such as hypothyroidism, and medication side effects can make it challenging to attain our desired look. In pursuit of better hair, some turn to hair-growth supplements.

But do these supplements really deliver on their promises of lush locks, or are they just another product to disregard? We consulted experts to get to the bottom of it.

What Exactly Are Hair-Growth Supplements?

Hair-growth supplements don’t have an official definition. Typically, they contain ingredients believed to promote hair growth, such as various nutrients or botanicals. These supplements cater to different groups, including those dealing with postpartum hair loss or partial alopecia.

What Vitamins Promote Hair Growth?

Several factors contribute to hair growth and health, from genetics to nutrition to stress levels. Studies suggest that a lack of key vitamins and minerals essential for cell growth and function could lead to hair loss.

According to Michele Green, M.D., a cosmetic dermatologist in New York, vitamins are crucial for maintaining healthy hair and may help prevent shedding and thinning. She highlights several key vitamins:

Vitamin B

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